The stable's intention is to provide an almost lagless, friendly and well appointed place for ponys to stay and to practise
With proud we point out that:
EPG provides an almost lagless environment
EPG provides the widest number of courses of all known stables in SL
The facilites are open to everyone - ponys, trainers, owners, and of course all visitors interested in pony play
The visitors are expected to follow the Stable Rules and - if joining an event - the Event Rules too
We do not tolerate any kind of griefing or harassment against ponys or visitors on our sim
Rezzing objects
Due to some reasons - mainly to allow gates to be rezzed when a pony starts a run - it's possible to rezz objects on the sim
This does not mean that we invite visitors to do so!
We accept if a visitor is rezzing a toy to play with a pony for the time staying on the sim - but before leaving, plese clean up
We do not accept visitors who rezz objects weighted with hundreds of prims. Such visitors are ejected and/or banned from the sim without further notice
You may not believe it, but from time to time there comes an idiot who rezz a house, a boat or another kind of huge building somewhere up in the sky weighted with hundreds up to several thousand of prims.